Livestock Disease in Ethiopia / Development


Livestock disease in Ethiopia (LDE) project is based on a systematic map dataset provided by the SEBI team, which contains 716 articles related to 44 livestock diseases of 4 species in Ethiopia from 2010 to 2019.
Here are the development records of LDE project.

> Timeline

2022/9 – 2022/11 livestock data analysis and narratives
2022/11 web development and data visualizations based on geographical layers
2022/12 – data visualizations based on temporal layers (coming soon)

> Toolkit

Front-end Developments – Three.js, HTML/CSS/JS
Data Analysis – Python,D3.js
3D modelling and animation – blender, CAD

> Result Series

Website + Poster + Report
3D Interactive Website – offer interactive experiences to explore livestock diseases in Ethiopia Presentation Poster – show regional graphs and key findings of livestock diseases in Ethiopia Development Report – demonstrate methodology and practices of LDE project.

> Idea Interpretations

We choose the general public as the final audience as there is not sufficient communication before to the end consumers of livestock industries. Meanwhile, researchers and funders can refer to the Archive for a solid evidence base, including a comprehensive interactive Tableau visualization based on the dataset, to inform livestock policy or research decisions.

Data Presentation
We choose tree-map to display the hierarchical data, comparing the differences in research focus across the eleven regions of Ethiopia and, furthermore, the disease studies in different species and their prevalence. The diagram represents a tree structure using nested polygons, with each branch representing a specie and tiled with sub-branches representing diseases. It is worth noting that that the dimension of "percentage" is not representative and therefore not sufficient as evidence, so the area of the leaf node is proportional to the number of studies. Additionally, we use green, yellow, and purple to distinguish the shared relationship of diseases among four species, which are all-shared, partially shared, and unique.

Modelling Methods
The 3D pages present the first layer of information on the entire website and are the intro interface for the entire storytelling, aiming to provide a visual understanding of the current state of the Ethiopian livestock industry even for the average user without a professional background. At the same time, in order to allow users to better bring in the story, the entire 3D model is based on mountainous plateaus and deserts, referencing the real Ethiopian environment, visualising the number of livestock on a 3D Ethiopian ranch. Through interactive operations, users can view the number of livestock in each state and get an overview of the distribution of livestock in Ethiopia, making it more intuitive, clear and immersive.