Livestock Disease in Ethiopia / Archieve


Livestock disease in Ethiopia (LDE) project is based on a systematic map dataset provided by SEBI team, which contains 716 articles related to 44 livestock diseases of 4 species (cattle, sheep, goats and small ruminants) in Ethiopia from 2010 to 2019. We archive all the discoveries and references during the project developments to provide resources for free explorations for everyone, further study for researchers and wiser decisions for funders.


The archive shows data visualizations indicating crucial features and findings in the SEBI systematic map dataset.

Zoomable Sunburst of Dataset Structure
The sunburst illustrates study details, study results and bibliography by showing two layers of the data hierarchy at a time. It helps you to understand the information structure and locate your fields of interest quickly. Click a node to zoom in, or the center to zoom out.


The archive provides useful links to both SEBI systematic map dataset and related livestock projects in a wider range.

Systematic Map Dataset Overview
The Tableau visualizations and bird-eye view article offer interactive and easy-to-read ways to explore the dataset and understand key findings in the Ethiopian livestock sub-sector.

> Tableau visualizations

> Bird-eye view article

Dataset-related Publications
The two closely related publications introduce the rationale & methodology of data gathering and the records & conclusions of data analysis, providing academic interpretations and perspectives for further research.

Project-related Websites
The two closely related publications introduce the rationale & methodology of data gathering and the records & conclusions of data analysis, providing academic interpretations and perspectives for further research.